Yunta means “friend” in Quechua, someone you trust and whom supports you.
In Cochabamba:
The risk of poverty, chronic malnutrition, lack of access to clean water, and inadequate sanitation facilities in Cochabamba can have a negative impact on the health and physical and cognitive development of children.
That’s why Club Yunta is a program that seeks to ensure that every child has access to a healthy and fulfilling life, regardless of their economic circumstances.
It’s simple!, Yunta is designed to maintain, strengthen, and grow the friendship, guidance, and support that we have developed with the kids of Champa Rancho, Cochabamba in Bolivia.
We have already achieved so much, but there is still so much to do.
1. Choose the modality of your choice, $12 USD per kid monthly, or $144 USD per kid annually.
2. Enter your personal details
3. You will receive a confirmation email
Your donation makes a difference in the lives of these kids and helps build a brighter future for them.
Since 2016, START decided to take action and visit Champa Rancho to build a trust relationship with the community.
After months of interaction, we developed a project to increase access to hygiene and sanitation for more than 65 kids who lived in the community.
In a short time period, more than 200 volunteers joined the cause in order to provided a dignified shower, food, recreational activities, and educational workshops to the kids.
To support the vulnerable affected by the quarantine due to COVID-19, we delivered baskets with basic provisions.
Since 2016, our work at Champa Rancho has not stopped. Although we no longer provide the shower service, we still visit the community to create what we know best: Smiles!
This year, we launched CLUB YUNTA, a great opportunity to sponsor a kid and make this program sustainable and support its continuous growth.
Desde el 2016, START decidió tomar acción y visitar Champa Rancho con el fin de crear una relación con la comunidad.
Después de meses de interacción e intervención, desarrollamos un proyecto para incrementar el acceso a higiene y saneamiento a más de 65 niños que habitan la zona.
En poco tiempo, más de 200 voluntarios se sumaron a la causa con el fin de brindar una ducha digna, alimentación, actividades recreativas y talleres educativos a los niños de la comunidad.
Para apoyar a las personas vulnerables que fueron afectadas por la cuarentena debido al COVID-19, se entregaron canastas con productos de primera necesidad.
Desde 2016, nuestra labor en Champa Rancho no paró. Si bien, ya no proveemos el servicio de duchas, aún visitamos la comunidad para sacar lo que mejor sabemos, ¡Sonrisas!
Las actividades fueron cambiando, ¡nuestro compromiso no! Este año lanzamos el CLUB YUNTA, una gran oportunidad para apadrinar a un niño y poder ayudar a que continue y crezca
este programa.
El Agua Es Oro is a social enterprise under the umbrella of START Americas Together projects that seeks to improve resilience and access to water in underdeveloped areas of Bolivia.
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CLUB YUNTA is a program under the umbrella of START Americas Together projects that seeks to ensure that every child has access to a healthy and satisfying life, regardless of their economic circumstances.
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Copyright © 2023 Start Americas Together, Inc.
START is a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 83-1300002)